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Prologue   |   Chapter One   |   Chapter Two   |   Chapter Three   |   Chapter Four   |   Chapter 5   |   Chapter 6   |   Chapter 7   |   Chapter 8   |   Chapter 9   |   Chapter 10   |   Chapter 11   |   Chapter 12   |   Chapter 13   |   Chapter 14   |   Chapter 15   |   Chapter 16   |   Ending Number 2

           Saillune how long had it been since he had been here last. He didn't know. He walked down the busy streets full of vendors and shoppers. He didn't care that everyone went quiet when he walked past or that they parted to give him room. He was a menacing figure, and that suited him just fine.


He was a familiar face here, but what the people saw now frightened them. People whispered when he had walked past. He was the same person they were sure of it, one of their Princess's traveling companions, but he was so changed. No one could believe this was the same person that had been a
regular visitor to Saillune. His black armor was dull, there was no shine to it just like his eyes. They held a hate and malice to them, something that should have never been there. It was his eyes that made the crowds part before him. He was going to the Royal Palace and no one was going to stop him.


         Amelia was tired of official duty, she hadn't been on an adventure in nearly two years. She rose from her chair walking out to the balcony that over looked the city. She leaned on it watching the people below her. They were happy and content. This made her happy, it pleased her to know she could be a great a leader as her Daddy, but still she was young. She longed for the open road again, to go traveling and seeking adventure.

          Her mind drifted back to her last adventure. It had started out fun everyoneteasing and laughing. Mr.. Gourry and Miss Lina fighting over food, Mr.Zelgadis...well was being Mr.. Zelgadis. She laughed to herself as she remembered the good times, but before she could stop the memories the darkest
moment in their life replayed. She felt the familiar pain making her chest tighten. Everyone had felt the loss. No one was left without scars from that trip. That was the last time she had seen anyone. They all had parted their separate ways. No one was stayed together after that, they all felt it to painful. Suddenly the urge to go adventuring was gone.

          She was about to lay her head down and cry, but the parting crowds in the market below caught her attention. She stood up straight and was ready to sound an alert. The people were afraid of something, someone. She herself out of reflex was readying a spell, justice would not allow her to stand back when her people needed her. She could tell the person was heading to the Royal Palace, that was the only path that road led. She stood waiting.


          He looked up, the Royal Palace. Nothing had changed. Not a single thing. He didn't know if this was a good or a bad thing. His emotions tried to come to the surface, they were quickly pushed down again. Pausing he looked up, his danger sense was warning him. A small smile was brought to his lips as there stood the Princess, ready to defend her people. He decided that it was good something didn't change. He slowly raised his arm and waved to her.


          Amelia saw the stranger wave, and her spell faded as her concentration was lost. She stood there and looked at him. She felt tears that were so close to being shed earlier fall in slow streams down her face. It was him, after two years he had finally come back to Saillune.

When Light is Lost
Saphire Draco's Fics
Fan Fiction